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Bone Grafting

Bone grafting plays a pivotal role in dental restoration procedures like bridges and dental implants. The success of such procedures often hinges on the dimensions of the jawbone at the implant site—its height, depth, and width. When the jawbone lacks adequate volume due to recession or damage, implants cannot be securely supported, necessitating bone grafting for successful restoration.

Factors Affecting Jaw Bone Volume:

  • Periodontal Disease: Progressive damage to the jawbone caused by periodontal disease weakens the foundation supporting the teeth.
  • Tooth Extraction: Studies indicate a significant loss of bone surrounding extraction sites in the years following the procedure, leading to bone defects.
  • Injuries and Infections: Physical trauma to the jaw or infections can trigger bone recession, compromising dental stability.

Benefits of Bone Grafts:

Bone grafting is a highly effective procedure that addresses bone loss, supporting dental health and stability. By augmenting jawbone height or width and filling defects, it enhances the foundation for dental restorations.

Types of Bone Grafts:

  • Autogenous Bone Graft: Utilizes bone harvested from the patient’s own body, yielding predictable outcomes.
  • Allograft Bone Graft: Employs cadaver or synthetic bone material.
  • Xenograft Bone Graft: Involves the use of cow bone material.

The Procedure:

During bone grafting surgery, bone material is added to the deficient area, promoting fusion with existing bone and stimulating cell growth. The surgery, typically performed under local anesthesia, involves making a small incision to prepare the site for bone placement. A synthetic membrane may be used to facilitate healing and prevent soft tissue invasion.

Post-Operative Care:

Patients receive comprehensive post-operative instructions and medications to manage discomfort, infection, and swelling. The surgery does not require an overnight stay, and patients can expect a swift recovery with proper care.

If you have questions about bone grafting or wish to explore your treatment options, please don’t hesitate to contact our office for expert guidance.

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