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How to Properly Brush & Floss

Brushing and flossing stand as pillars of oral hygiene, crucial for maintaining a healthy mouth. While professional cleanings twice a year effectively remove plaque, tartar, and debris, diligent homecare routines are equally indispensable. Proper brushing and flossing techniques not only promote oral health but also contribute to a dazzling smile while thwarting serious dental ailments.

Why Proper Brushing and Flossing Matter:

  • Prevention of Tooth Decay: Decay, a leading cause of tooth loss, stems from plaque acids eroding tooth enamel. Diligent homecare can avert this threat.
  • Prevention of Periodontal Disease: Periodontal disease, marked by gum and jawbone recession, is fueled by plaque toxins. Effective brushing and flossing thwart its progression.
  • Prevention of Halitosis: Lingering food particles between teeth often trigger bad breath. Regular brushing and flossing eliminate these culprits, fostering fresher breath.
  • Prevention of Staining: Stains from smoking or beverages like coffee can mar teeth. Consistent brushing and flossing help fend off these discolorations.

The Correct Brushing Technique:

  • Brush teeth at least twice daily, ideally in the morning and before bed, using a soft-bristled brush.
  • Opt for a small-headed toothbrush with rounded-end bristles, ideally replaced every three months.
  • Electric toothbrushes, especially those with rotating heads, are endorsed by the ADA for superior cleaning efficacy.

Step-by-Step Brushing Guide:

  • Position the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gums.
  • Employ gentle circular motions to clean the gumline and teeth.
  • Avoid excessive pressure to prevent gum and enamel damage.
  • Thoroughly brush all tooth surfaces, including the back teeth and tongue.

Mastering Flossing:

  • Flossing clears plaque from interdental spaces, crucial for preventing periodontal issues and reducing gum pocket depth.
  • Choose floss that is easy and comfortable to use, regardless of flavor or type.

Step-by-Step Flossing Technique:

  • Cut an 18-inch piece of floss and wrap it around both middle fingers, leaving a gap of 2-3 inches.
  • Gently guide the floss between teeth, curving it in a U-shape around each tooth.
  • Slide the floss beneath the gum line, moving it up and down to remove plaque.
  • Avoid snapping the floss between teeth to prevent gum irritation.
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