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What to Do If You Chip or Break a Tooth

A split-second mishap, a misplaced bite, and suddenly, you’re face to face with a chipped or broken tooth. Whether it’s a stumble on the pavement or an unfortunate encounter with a hard object, dealing with damaged teeth can be distressing. Fortunately, there’s a roadmap to guide you through this dental emergency. Let’s explore the steps recommended by dentists to address chipped or broken teeth promptly.

1. Assess the Damage:

Upon discovering a chipped or broken tooth, the first order of business is a thorough assessment of the extent of damage. If bleeding accompanies the injury, apply gentle pressure to the affected area with a clean, damp cloth. Swab the vicinity with warm water to cleanse away any debris, and utilize a cold compress wrapped in a soft cloth to alleviate swelling. Should the pain persist unabated, or if signs of concussion manifest, seek immediate medical attention.

2. Steps for Chipped Tooth:

In the event of a chipped, cracked, or fractured tooth, swift action is imperative. Contact your dentist promptly and rinse your mouth with warm water to cleanse the area. If feasible, retrieve the broken tooth fragment, and preserve it in damp gauze for evaluation by your dental professional. The severity of the chip will dictate the appropriate course of action, necessitating a personalized intervention tailored to your unique circumstances.

3. Steps for Knocked-Out Tooth:

Should the unthinkable occur and a tooth is completely dislodged from its socket, adhere to the triage protocol outlined earlier. Endeavor to reposition the tooth in its original location, exercising caution to avoid contact with the root. Alternatively, maintain the tooth’s moisture by tucking it gently between your cheek and gum, or submerging it in a glass of milk. Swiftly transport the tooth to your dentist for urgent evaluation and potential re-implantation.

Preserving Your Smile:

In the aftermath of a dental trauma, preserving your smile hinges on prompt action and diligent adherence to recommended protocols. Keep the injured tooth moist at all times, swishing warm water in your mouth to stave off infection, and promptly notify your dentist to initiate the restoration process. While salvaging the tooth remains the optimal outcome, rest assured that a spectrum of dental treatments exists to remedy the situation, ensuring the preservation of your radiant smile.


A chipped or broken tooth may seem like a daunting setback, but with proactive intervention and expert care, your smile can be restored to its former glory. By heeding the advice of dental professionals and prioritizing swift action, you can navigate this dental emergency with confidence and emerge with a rejuvenated smile.

Contact your dentist today to learn more about emergency dental care and ensure your smile remains resilient in the face of adversity.