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Answering the Most Common Questions About Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth often stir curiosity and concern, prompting questions about their necessity and the potential need for removal. Below, we address some of the most common queries surrounding wisdom teeth:

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of adult teeth to emerge in the mouth. While not everyone develops wisdom teeth, those who do typically have four, with two located at the upper back and two at the lower back of the mouth. They typically begin to erupt between the ages of 17 to 25.

Do you need wisdom teeth?

Contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth are not essential. Our ancestors required them for chewing coarse foods like roots and nuts. However, in modern times, these teeth have become obsolete.

Why do wisdom teeth sometimes need to be removed?

The size of our jaws has evolved, often resulting in insufficient space for wisdom teeth to erupt properly. Consequently, they may become impacted, partially emerge, or grow in the wrong position, leading to various issues such as infections, impaction, and misalignment.

What is it like having your wisdom teeth removed?

The process of wisdom tooth removal varies depending on individual circumstances. Typically, the procedure lasts under an hour per tooth and is performed under anesthesia. Following the removal, rest is advised, along with a soft-food diet and gentle oral care practices. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least a week.

In conclusion, wisdom teeth serve little purpose in modern dentistry and often pose risks to oral health. Therefore, if recommended by your dentist, removal may be the best course of action. Consulting with an oral surgery specialist can provide further insights into your oral health and address any concerns you may have.